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Document and Entity Information
Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)
Consolidated Balance Sheets - Supplemental Information (Unaudited)
Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited) (Parenthetical)
Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Unaudited)
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity (Unaudited)
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity (Unaudited) (Parenthetical)
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)
Pay vs Performance Disclosure
Insider Trading Arrangements
Significant Accounting Policies
Allowance for Loan Losses
Derivative Financial Instruments
Other Assets
Stockholders' Equity
Earnings (Loss) per Common Share
Fair Value Measurements
Commitments, Contingencies and Guarantees
Revenue from Contracts with Customers Accounted for in Accordance with ASC 606
Segment Reporting
Accounting Policies
Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
Allowance for Loan Losses (Tables)
Borrowings (Tables)
Derivative Financial Instruments (Tables)
Other Assets (Tables)
Stockholders' Equity (Tables)
Earnings (Loss) per Common Share (Tables)
Fair Value Measurements (Tables)
Revenue from Contracts with Customers Accounted for in Accordance with ASC 606 (Tables)
Segment Reporting (Tables)
Significant Accounting Policies - Additional Information (Detail)
Allowance for Loan Losses - Allowance for Credit Losses and Recorded Investments in Loans (Detail)
Allowance for Loan Losses - Allowance for Credit Losses and Recorded Investments in Loans (Parenthetical) (Detail)
Allowance for Loan Losses - Additional Information (Detail)
Allowance for Loan Losses - Age Analysis of Past Due Loans Delinquencies (Detail)
Allowance for Loan Losses - Loan Type (Detail)
Allowance for Loan Losses - Private Education Loan Portfolio Stratified by Key Credit Quality Indicators (Detail)
Allowance for Loan Losses - Private Education Loan Portfolio Stratified by Key Credit Quality Indicators (Parenthetical) (Detail)
Allowance for Loan Losses - Amortized Cost Basis of Loans Modified to Borrowers with Financial Difficulty (Details)
Allowance for Loan Losses - Amortized Cost Basis of Loans Modified to Borrowers with Financial Difficulty (Parenthetical) (Details)
Allowance for Loan Losses - Amount of Loans Modified for Borrowers Financial Difficulty and Payment Default (Details)
Allowance for Loan Losses - Amount of Loans Modified for Borrowers Financial Difficulty and Payment Default (Parenthetical) (Details)
Allowance for Loan Losses - Summary of Performance and Related Loan Status of Loans Modified (Details)
Borrowings - Company's Borrowings (Detail)
Borrowings - Company's Borrowings (Parenthetical) (Detail)
Borrowings - Financing VIEs (Detail)
Derivative Financial Instruments - Impact of Derivatives on Balance Sheet (Detail)
Derivative Financial Instruments - Gross Positions without Impact of Master Netting Agreements (Detail)
Derivative Financial Instruments - Carrying Value and Related Fair Value Hedging Adjustments of Liabilities (Detail)
Derivative Financial Instruments - Additional Information (Detail)
Derivative Financial Instruments - Derivative Notional Values (Detail)
Derivative Financial Instruments - Mark-to-Market Impact of Derivatives on Statements of Income (Detail)
Derivative Financial Instruments - Impact of Derivatives on Other Comprehensive Income (Equity) (Detail)
Derivative Financial Instruments - Collateral Held and Pledged (Detail)
Other Assets - Schedule of Other Assets (Detail)
Stockholders' Equity - Common Share Repurchases, Issuances and Dividends Paid (Detail)
Stockholders' Equity - Common Share Repurchases, Issuances and Dividends Paid (Parenthetical) (Detail)
Stockholders' Equity - Additional Information (Detail)
Earnings (Loss) per Common Share - Schedule of Earnings (Loss) per Common Share (Detail)
Earnings (Loss) per Common Share - Schedule of Earnings (Loss) per Common Share (Parenthetical) (Detail)
Fair Value Measurements - Valuation of Financial Instruments that are Marked-to-Market on Recurring Basis (Detail)
Fair Value Measurements - Change in Balance Sheet Carrying Value Associated with Level 3 Financial Instruments Carried at Fair Value on Recurring Basis (Detail)
Fair Value Measurements - Included in Earnings (Detail)
Fair Value Measurements - Unobservable Data Used in Recurring Valuations of Level 3 (Detail)
Fair Value Measurements - Fair Values of Financial Assets and Liabilities, Including Derivative Financial Instruments (Detail)
Commitments, Contingencies and Guarantees - Additional Information (Detail)
Revenue from Contracts with Customers Accounted for in Accordance with ASC 606 - Summary of Disaggregation of Revenue from Contracts with Customers Accounted Under ASC 606 (Detail)
Revenue from Contracts with Customers Accounted for in Accordance with ASC 606 - Additional Information (Detail)
Segment Reporting - Additional Information (Detail)
Segment Reporting - Asset Information for Loans Segment (Detail)
Segment Reporting - Segment Results and Reconciliations to GAAP (Detail)
Segment Reporting - Segment Results and Reconciliations to GAAP - Core Earnings Adjustments (Detail)
Segment Reporting - Core Earnings Adjustments to GAAP (Detail)
Segment Reporting - Core Earnings Adjustments to GAAP (Parenthetical) (Detail)
All Reports